Giving Back
Funds raised by the Academy of Music are invested back into neighboring businesses and families. Providing a venue for community to gather, the Academy of Music participates in a number of downtown events, including:
- The Northampton Ice Art and Chalk Art Festivals
- Arts Night Out
- KidsBestFest (co-produced with the Northampton Arts Council)
- Gay Pride March
In addition to our own events, the Academy of Music ensures affordable rental rates for numerous local non-profit arts, social and educational organizations by covering the cost through our fundraising efforts. In the same vein, the Academy of Music hall is offered at no rental charge for some traditional community and educational events such as:
- First Night Northampton
- WGBY57 documentary films
- Public school concerts
- KidsBestFest and Youth Film
- Cinema Northampton
Consulting services for our renters are provided at no cost, helping local artists and arts organizations create a successful production.
Feeding the Community
Finally, the theater provides a major economic impact to the city and surrounding towns. The Academy of Music is downtown Northampton’s leading visitor destination, based not only on total ticket sales, but also on the consistent delivery of visiting patrons to downtown Northampton and its 70 shops and restaurants.
In 2014, the Academy of Music:
- Drew over 50,000 patrons with 116 performances and events
- Contributed to $2.7 million in total annual sales and purchases including:
- $665,000 in ticket revenues
- $850,000 in downtown meals and beverage purchases
- $750,000 in hotel revenues
- $179,000 in city and state tax revenues (meals, sales and hotel tax)
Based on conservative estimates of consumer spending by Academy patrons, it is fair to assume that over a 10 year period, the Academy will generate over $1.8 million in sales, meals and hotel room tax revenues to the state and city.
Reference Sources for Economic Impact Estimates
(1) Ticket sales, attendance and performance numbers are from the Academy
(2) Meals tax is 7.25% (6.25% state portion – 0.75 city portion)
(3) Hotel tax is 11.75% (5.75% state portion -6% city portion)
(4) Meals purchases are estimated at $35 per person which is cited by
(5) After performance drinks are estimated at $20.00 per person.
(6) Hotel room rate estimate is $125.00 per night with 1.5 guests per room
Methodology for Purchasing Estimates:
In March of 2009, the City of Arlington, Virginia and the Crystal City BID (Business Improvement District) and the Arlington Commission for the Arts issued a report, “The Economic Impact of Theaters in Arlington County, Virginia”
(1) This report analyzed consumer spending before and after a theater performance
(2) And then factored in different percentages of patrons who ate, drank or went home.
This report was based on polling and surveys of patrons who attended Arlington theaters.
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3pm to 6pm

274 Main St
Northampton, MA 01060